
Choosing your own billing system

Start by checking if your billing system is supported by looking in the config.lua file.

Config.Billingsystem = "okok"

We currently have okokBilling, qs-billing and Dusa Billing already supported for this resource. But don't stress if your billing system isn't supported. You can add it yourself in server/custom.lua file. If you don't know how to add it we will help you!

ESX.RegisterServerCallback("jl_parkingticketjob:sendInvoice", function(_, cb, data)
    local Target = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(data.identifier)
    if Config.Billingsystem == "okok" then
        TriggerEvent("jl_parkingticketjob:okokBilling", Target, data)
    elseif Config.Billingsystem == "quasar" then
        TriggerEvent("jl_parkingticketjob:quasarBilling", Target, data)
    elseif Config.Billingsystem == "dusa" then
        TriggerEvent("jl_parkingticketjob:dusaBilling", Target, data)
    elseif Config.Billingsystem == "custom" then
        -- Custom Billing System Handling



This resource is fully translationable through the locales files.

Language["en"] = {

    parkingticket = {
        currency = "$",
        nophonenumber = "No phone number associated",
        search = "Search",
        invoice = "Invoice", 
        send = "Send",
        novehicles = "No Vehicles Found.",
        activecolleagues = "Active Colleagues",
        plate = "Plate",
        amount = "Amount",
        from = "From",
        reason = "Reason"


Last updated