
Config = {}

Config.ESXName = 'es_extended' -- ESX File
Config.Language = "en" -- Your locale
Config.JobName = 'police' -- The Job that has access to open the menu
Config.PlayerVehiclesTableName = "owned_vehicles" -- The database table for your players vehicles (Default: player_vehicles)
Config.useLBPhone = false -- if false it will return the Players number from Playerdata (many phones use this if your phone don't then please tell us in a ticket) on both employees and in the search-field.
Config.Currency = "$"
Config.KeyBind = "F6"
Config.Command = "parkenforcement"

Config.Billingsystem = "okok" -- okok, quasar, dusa or custom (you can customize yourself in server/custom.lua)

Config.BillingsystemInfos = {
    invoiceSource = "Park Enforcement", -- The Job name, this will be shown in the billing menu depending on what system you use, you can change this if you want to in server/custom.lua
    limitpaydate = 7, -- How long the player has to pay the bill (in days).
    feesamount = 0, -- the fee that will be added to the on start.
    title = "Invoice",
    giveitem = true, -- true if you want your players to recieve the invoice item, false if not (quasar billing)
    questToGiveitem = true, -- true asks the player if he wants to receive it, false only delivers the invoice or not and does not ask the player. (quasar)

Config.DarkModeLogo = "" -- The logo that shows when having darkmode on
Config.LightModeLogo = "" -- The logo that shows when having lightmode on


Last updated